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Popl Teams

Navigating the Popl Teams Dashboard

45 articles
Adding MembersAdd a new user to your Popl Teams account.
TemplatesUse templates to maintain consistent branding across your team.
SubteamsOrganize your members into groups.
Insights - Popl Teams DashboardUnderstand your team's Popl usage.
Adding Content to a CardHow to add links to a digital business card on the Popl dashboard.
Lead CaptureUse custom lead capture forms built into your digital business card to collect the exact info you need from prospects and people you meet.
Accessory ManagementManage your team's Popl accessories.
Single Link ModeSend new connections to a specific link, instantly.
Virtual BackgroundsAdd your PopCode (QR Code) to your Zoom, Teams, Meet background.
Lead Management with Popl TeamsManage your leads & contacts made through Popl.
PopCode (QR Code) ManagementCustomize and download your PopCode (QR Code).
Rearranging Links & ContentReorder the content on your digital business card.
Ideal Images Sizes for ContentImage sizes to use for profile photo, cover photo, etc.
Bulk Member EditingMake edits to multiple users at once.
Removing or Deleting a MemberRemove or remove and delete a user from your Popl Teams account.
Billing & InvoicesUpdate your billing information.
Locking a Member's CardPrevent members from making any changes to their digital business card.
Duplicating a MemberCreate a new member using an existing member's data.
Creating Additional AdminsCreate additional admins to help manage your teams account.
Send Notifications to Your TeamAs an Admin on Popl Teams, you can send and schedule Popl App or email push notifications to your team for company updates and more.
Team SettingsCustomize company wide branding for your team's dashboard and other settings.
IntegrationsConnect platforms to assist with lead, user, or email signature management. Only included for Popl Pro, Pro Plus, and Teams members.
Campaigns (formally Auto Tagging)Learn how to automatically tag your leads
Template Auto AssignAutomatically assign members to a template upon adding them to a subteam.
Card Layout OptionsDifferent design options for a Popl digital business card.
Popl Teams Admin TutorialYoutube video Admin Tutorial
Send emails using AIHave Popl generate a follow up email for your leads.
Template Link TypesChoose between two different link types for templates and how to use them.
Bulk Import Leads
Reassign Leads in BulkReassign your Popl leads to a new owner within your team.
Approving Change RequestsApprove or reject your teams change requests as an admin.
Team AssetsAs an admin, you can add images for your team to choose from as they customize their digital business cards.
Popl Dashboard Supported LanguagesHere are the languages the Popl Dashboard/Teams Dashboard supports.
CRM Integration Setup for SubteamsUse this feature to create unique integration connections for any of your Subteams.
Custom Subdomains for You or Your TeamUse this feature to brand your QR code and digital business card links.
Download PopCodes in Bulk
Adding Your PopCode (QR code) to Apple or Google Wallet from the Popl DashboardLearn how to add your Popl QR code to your Apple or Google Wallet to share easily on the go.
Microsoft Outlook Email Signature Add-InInstall our Microsoft Outlook Add-In to automatically sync email signatures to members.
Admin & Member Roles - Popl TeamsThis article will outline the various roles and permissions for each member type within Popl Teams.
The Home Page - Popl TeamsThe home page of the Popl Teams dashboard provides a real-time snapshot of team interactions, analytics, recommendations, and more...
The Tags PageManage your team's library of tags.
Branded Push NotificationsCustomize your push notification experience when sharing your digital business card with others.
Request a Demo for Popl TeamsSee Popl Teams in action - collect more leads and maximize your revenue.
Allowing Subteam Admins to add and remove members ✨Full Team Admins can now allow Subteam Admins to add or remove members from their Subteam(s). This will give your Subteam more control over the team they manage.
Submitting Change RequestsAsk your Team Admin to make changes on your digital business card.